Preacher: Book Two

Preacher: Book Two

Author: Garth Ennis
Hardback 368 Pages / Published: 2010
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Heartfelt, caustic and unapolagetically profane, Preacher follows the epic journey of the Reverend Jesse Custer as he tracks down a fugitive God to make him answer for the sufferings of his creation. From the scrublands of East Texas to the battlefields of Vietnam, Jesse and his friends cut a righteous path across a fallen world and through the soul of America in their quest for the divine - an effort that will be met by every evil that Heaven and Earth can assemble.


Preacher Book 2 collects issues 13-26 of Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon's award winning Vertigo series and features a new introduction by original Preacher Stuart Moore.

Publisher: DC Comics
ISBN: 9781401225797
Number of pages: 368
Weight: 910 g
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