Romantic Poets

Romantic Poets

Author: William Wordsworth
Hardback 224 Pages / Published: 2022-08-22
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Chiltern Publishing creates the most beautiful editions of the World's finest literature.Your favorite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile layers, fine details and beautiful colors of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf.The Literary World of the nineteenth century was lit up bysix of England's Greatest Poets. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Blake were in thevanguard of the early Romantic movement that broke from the past, emphasisingthe individual and personal, embracing imagination over reason. Romanticism'ssecond wave saw Byron, Shelley and Keats come to the fore, rebels who breathednew life into the movement which spawned some of the best poetry in EnglishLiterature.

ISBN: 1914602048
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 408 g
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