Complete Beading

Complete Beading

Author: Jema Hewitt
Hardback 176 Pages / Published: 2004-11-22
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If you’d like to sparkle and shimmer, get beading now! Covering all aspects of this increasingly popular craft, 'Complete Beading' will inspire you to start stringing, weaving, and stitching with beads straightaway. Features thirty beading projects for all levels of skill, from the beginner to the more experienced beader. Step-by-step photography and clear captions guide the reader through every part of the project, allowing for success every time. These crafts ideas, which include bracelets, earrings, tiaras, and bags, will inspire and challenge anyone interested in beading.

Publisher: Collins & Brown
ISBN: 9781843402398
Number of pages: 176
Weight: 982 g
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