You're My Lobster

You're My Lobster

Author: Pesala Bandara
Hardback 96 Pages / Published: 2022-02-03
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The perfect Valentine's Day or anniversary gift for the one you love - fill out the prompts to tell them how much you care. Flowers and chocolates are all very well, but nothing could possibly mean more to your beloved than telling them, in a language they'll understand: YOU'RE MY LOBSTER. With prompts to fill out, this personalisable gift book gives you the space to reminisce about: your first meeting and impressions, all the quirks you've grown to love, the things you have in common and your greatest differences, and much more. Complete with the best romantic quotes from your favourite films and TV shows, it is the ultimate gift for your soulmate.

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Limited
ISBN: 9780008506438
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 184 g
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