Tate: Create

Tate: Create

Author: Sally Tallant
96 Pages / Published: 2019-10-01
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Cut, cook, draw, dye, dream, snap and spin!Who better to make art with than today's best-loved artists? This absorbing book has been created by a selection of the world's leading contemporary artists and provides projects and activities designed to challenge and expand your approach to making art. You will never again find yourself short of ideas for things to make and do!Make recipes by Olafur Eliasson and listen to how they sound; create a spotty, squirmy salamander with Monster Chetwynd; trace meditative drawings and explore the power of repetition with Yayoi Kusama; build a living collage with Linder; or get stuck into some classic puzzle activities turned on their heads by Jeremy Deller. Each activity draws on the artist's own practice and is supported by guidance and advice from the artists themselves.

Publisher: Octopus Books
ISBN: 9781781577370
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 520 g
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